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Household energy storage system

What is known as a Household Energy Storage System is really just some special device you can have at your home in order to store all the extra power that say solar panels, or whatever other renewable source spits it out. You can then draw upon this stored energy for later on when you require more speed or the sun is not shining.

Benefits of a Home Energy Storage System

Benefits of having a Household Energy Storage System: Below, we will elaborate these benefits:

Savings: Let us start this list by mentioning the most important feature, i.e. MONEY... Yes! You can even save some serious cash on your electricity bill(which is top3 of everyones wishlist we think), thanks to a household energy storage system. This way, if you store the excess energy that has been produced over the day, it will prevent consumption of expensive power from grid during peak hours and reduce overall costs while increasing your efficiency in terms of consuming power.

Easier on the Earth - By using a Household Energy Storage System, you can help reduce CO2 emissions. In addition to more locally controlled and resilient power source, reduces dependence on large systems of conventional fuels (electricity), you can store renewable energy such as solar which helps cut your carbon footprint for a cleaner greener world.

Power at All Times: A major benefit of an i.Progressive Household Energy Storage System is the confidence that it brings. With this in place, you know that come what may - from a planned or unplanned powercut to an emergency situation (natural disaster etc) - your home will always be powered on and safe.

With the Household Energy Storage System, savings and environmental protection are now with you and wherever electricity is needed.

Why choose Avepower Household energy storage system?

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